Sunday, October 2, 2011

Sinou Steak

Yuhuuuu...... Let's we talk about sinou steak.... Waktu lagi ke anomali, me and my sis liat persis di sebelah anomali lagi dibangun sesuatu.. Eh ternyata sinou steak yang dibangun.. So.. today.. after from Gandaria City.. Critanya mau liat Korean Food Festival disana.. Tapi kurang menarik.. Then.. we decide to try sinou steak.. hehe..

Ini tampak depannya.. Maap burem. Maklum uda pake kamera HP, dari dalam mobil lagi fotonya.. :p

 The Menu

Lucuuu.. Banget ya interiornya.. kayak barn gitu.. >.< Oya.. liat deh.. di foto.. ada tulisan to the loo.. pnasaran ga dalemnya apa??? ini dia dalemnya.. hehe..

To the loo itu kalo dibuka ternyata toilet and tempat cuci tangan.. Semuanya still barn ambience.. Sampe wastafelnya pun kayak gitu bentuknya.. kawaiii...  >.<

 This is bell to call the waiter

The waiter bring something like a basket or I don't know what is that to deliver the drink.. so cute... Unique... >.<

Iced Lemon Tea (11k), for the taste.. Just a normal iced lemon tea yang menurut gw rasanya lumayan aja.. Tapi size minumannya lumayan besar and karena cara nganterinnya lucu, jadi rasa yang lumayan pun menjadi enak.. hehe.. :)

Tenderloin US (90k), this tenderloin US they don't write it in the menu, because it's new.. but you can order it.. There are 2 kinds of tenderloin in here.. US and AUS.. Oya.. Even I order well done, but the meat very tender and juicy.. Ga alot sama sekali.. Biasa kan kalo pesennya well done pasti agak alot ato keras.. Tapi ini engga.. Ga perlu mengeluarkan sekuat tenaga untuk motongnya... Like it..

Oya.. I almost forgot.. there are 4 kinds of sauce (sinou's sauce, mushroom, black pepper, and BBQ sauce) and 2 kinds of side dish (french fries & mashed potatoes).. I choose sinou's sauce which is the taste similar to mushroom sauce (very similar) and french fries for the side dish.. Overall the taste c'est delicieux... :)

Oya.. the service also good... Nice place and nice food..
Must try..!!! Happy trying.. :)

Sinou Steak
Jl. Senopati Raya No. 35
Pas Sebelah Anomali
Jakarta Selatan

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